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The saying, “It’s not what you say, but how you say it” has a higher bearing on our marketing messages now more than ever. Creative special offers and the everyday buzzwords we usually use might be perceived very differently than they were before this crisis.
We have to keep protecting your brand’s reputation at the forefront of everything we do. We live in an era where 90% of customers research a company online before buying from them, and any particularly poor or embarrassing messaging choices can easily make news in your industry. As a result, our copy and messaging need to evolve and be sensitive to our current reality.
Tips to follow:
Do you usually make use of videos, pay-per-click (PPC) ads, or motion graphics? What would make the most sense at this stage? What can you do content-wise to ensure that your current subscribers stay engaged and hopefully continue to make purchases?
COVID-19 updates are indeed very important, but they should not be the only focus of your content and messages over the next couple of weeks.
Evaluate the timing of your email sends
Most of our daily schedules have been upended. We are missing our daily commutes, regular meetings, early morning coffee, and are learning to adapt to working from home.
Consumers are now focusing on online shopping and visiting their preferred social media channels more often. While this may make you think that marketing via social media needs to be your main focus right now, the truth is that email marketing remains the most effective tool for engaging and converting users, being seven times more effective at creating sales than the major social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn put together.
For this reason alone, email marketing needs to remain at the forefront of your efforts to generate sales from customers, and your success can really come down to how well you evaluate the timing of when your emails should be sent.
You do not want your emails to end up in a spam folder due to not being opened, so it might be worth your while to do a limited amount of testing to gauge the ideal time for your emails to be sent. As your subscribers may now be home-bound, the optimal times may have changed significantly. Bear in mind that these schedules will have to be revisited once we return to our normal routines.
It might be worth your while to consider how the rising amounts of time spent at home can impact the usage of your product. If someone will need more or less of your product or even more or less of your usual services than usual due to the current lockdowns, try to determine how it might influence the timing around your follow-up. It is always a good idea to put replenishment triggers in place if you haven’t previously done so.
Communication and transparency go hand in hand
We’ve all had to inform our clients and customers of out of stock products or delivery delays after big promotions (think Black Friday). At this point in time, issues like these should be anticipated and planned for in advance.
Be sure to convey this to your customers or clients upfront so that it does not catch them unawares. Remember that there is no perfect formula out there that can assist you to create the perfect email. Just be honest and authentic in your communication.
Where possible, communicate any known inventory or delivery issues on your created content e.g. paid advertisements as well as on your website to ensure your customers are informed beforehand. By giving your clients or customers a well-advised heads up, you are building loyalty and trust.
If you wait to inform your client or customer of any possible delays and other issues until after they’ve made their purchase, you may have won that single purchase, but the client or customer will have experienced a negative buying experience.
After the purchase has concluded, try to reiterate the possible issues or delays again in your confirmation emails and on the accompanying invoices. Depending on your customer management system, you may have the ability to send an email or text message along with every shipping update. If not, try to get it in place as soon as possible. People look forward to receiving their online orders, and regular updates will lead to more positive buying experiences.
Remember the people behind the emails
While governments across the world — from China to Australia to Brazil, and everywhere in between — have placed strict measures to keep us safe and healthy, we are unfortunately still (at the time of writing this article) very much at risk of contracting the virus. It is very important to have a back-up plan in place for your email marketing strategy and implementation should the company or person in charge of your projects become affected in any way.
It may not be the most pleasant part of your current planning, but you do need to plan for any and all contingencies in advance to ensure that a person or company can jump in and manage your strategy or projects in order to keep the lines of communication open between you and your customers.
One such strategy to prepare for contingencies is to set up a buddy system. Whether you are managing your own projects or have a company or agency that assists you in this endeavor, it is important to establish a buddy system in order to have your back-up plan ready (where someone can step in and take the project over) at the drop of a hat. Case in point, Sydney-based web developer Nathan Finch recently came down with a mild case of COVID-19, but was able to quickly hand off operations of his Australian web hosting business to his senior staff so that customer accounts remained active.
Another important email marketing tool to use is a marketing content calendar. Your usual content calendar may not apply during this time. As such, ask your team/s to come up with a calendar that speaks to our current reality and spend some time creating a timeless bank of content together that can be used by anyone should a new project come up or the current project evolve.
In conclusion
It has been said that times of crisis does not create character, but reveals it. The way your business or company carries itself during this pandemic and the worldwide crisis will play a direct role in your ability to retain your clients or customers as you go forward.
It is also important for marketers and business owners to remember that different individuals will react differently during times of crisis. As such, think about how you would like to let people know that you understand the challenges that they are currently facing and show your concern. They might be experiencing feelings of anxiety and panic and may even be traumatized and completely overwhelmed.
By staying empathetic and mindful in our current reality, your business or brand will reap the benefits in the long term. Our current situation is only temporary, but the ripples will remain forever.
I would like to say "thank you" for taking the time to read this blog. I hope that if you found it of value, that you would share it on your social media platforms.
Please let me know if there is anything that I can assist you with marketing. I have been an Email Marketing Specialist for over seven years. It has allowed me to help small business owners integrate email marketing, online registrations and online surveys into their marketing strategies. You are certainly welcomed to reach out to us if you want to have a free ½ hour consultation thru Zoom. Please email us at john@thejrsolutions.com to set up an online session.
If you have a specific topic as it relates to Email Marketing or Digital Marketing, we would be very happy to try to accommodate your request.