So don’t just rehash what you did last year and expect it to produce excellent results. You will need to pay attention to new trends and best practices. The algorithm in analytics changes almost every week.
Personalization in email marketing is key to generate revenue and sales. Mistargeting is a mistake you’ll want to avoid since your email will most likely be deleted, unsubscribed from, or worse, categorized as ‘spam’. A reputable Email Marketing company will block you from putting out emails that are continually being reported as “spam”, after all, is their reputation on the line. They need to get clients too, so if they see that a certain company does not care about what their clients are putting out, no one will subscribe to their service.
Hyper personalization is the name of the game in 2021. You’ll want to use triggered emails, recommend content or products per individual, and tailor offers by audience segment.
Something else I would like to mention at this point, format your emails to be short, sweet, and to the point. Have a CAT [call to action] and redirect your reader to visit your website so they can to know you more, get a sense of the history of what you are all about.
With all of this being said, there’s one more thing you need to do, and it’s to make it look good on a small screen.